Seaweed is a totally natural multimineral supplement. It has a wide variety of readily absorbed naturally balanced minerals, trace elements, amino acids & vitamins. Feeding seaweed helps improve digestion, assimilation of minerals & the immune system. In contrast to conventional mineral supplements, Seaweed is unique in being of plant origin. Seaweed contains all the minerals & trace elements a chicken requires for a normal healthy life.
Feeding Seaweed improves the chickens ability to digest, enabling them to make better use of the feed available and allowing the chicken to produce heat in order to keep warm.
BGlucanace is an important immune stimulator in animals. By enhancing the effectiveness of the immune system, Seaweed increases the animal’s ability to cope with stress which can often occur when the winter weather comes in and her routine is distupted.
Seaweed contains all the minerals and trace elements a chicken requires for a normal healthy life.